
 Rinnai Solar Hot Water systems    

Rinnai Prestige Solar Hot Water Systems are supplied with premium Australian-made stainless steel storage tanks.

Rinnai Prestige Solar1

Designed for the discerning purchaser who values high performance and longevity with minimal maintenance, each tank is constructed from high quality 316 marine grade stainless steel. Marine grade stainless steel also has the added benefit of not requiring regular costly replacement of sacrificial anodes, as required for enamel lined steel tanks. Stainless steel is highly resistant to rusting from either inside or outside of the tank, and provides the best long term life cycle costs.


 Stainless Steel tanks do not require sacrificial anodes, saving on replacement costs every few years.
 A tank designed specifically for solar systems to ensure maximum solar efficiency, reducing energy costs.
 Well insulated to ensure that the heat stored from the sun is not lost overnight.
 Circulation pumps are pre-installed on the tanks saving valuable installation time.
 All brass or copper fittings for longevity and resistance to leaking.


Rinnai Beasley Solar Systems have Enduro (SP200) high – efficiency solar panels.

These are manufactured in Australia, and are specifically designed to maximise solar efficiency and minimise heat loss.Benefits:

 AMCRO selective surface – long lasting and high performance.
 7 riser tubes for effective transfer of solar energy to the water.
 High efficiency collectors for improved solar contribution.
 Copper Solar absorber to maximise efficiency in collection solar energy.
 Aluminium casing – corrosion resistant and ideal for coastal areas.

Frost protection solar panels

If you live in a frost prone area, it is important that you specify and install frost tolerant collector panels (FTCs).

Non-frost tolerant panels damaged by frost are not covered by warranty for any damage due to freezing or frost.

The Rinnai FTC panels are warranted against frost damage caused by temperatures down to – 6°C.

Instant Gas Boosting

Every Rinnai Beasley gas – boosted solar system incorporates an independent boosting unit, the Rinnai Infinity, Australia’s No. 1 continuous flow hot water system.

When a Beasley solar water heater is combined with the Rinnai Infinity 26 continuos flow gas heater, you have the most efficient type of solar gas heater available. The Beasley solar heater works as a pre heater, collecting energy from the sun whenever it is available, even in the middle of winter, and storing it in the large capacity, well insulated stainless steel tank. When you turn a hot tap on, the water from the pre heater passes through the Rinnai Infinity solar boost heater, which boosts the temperature to more than 60oC. If the temperature of the water in the pre heater is already above that, the gas burner does not come on at all, and as a consequence, you obtain the maximum possible contribution from the sun, and use the absolute minimum amount of gas.


 Gas is the most economical and environmentally friendly way to boost the water temperature.
 Operates only when the hot tap is turned on and even then, only if the water in the tank is not already hot enough.
 Continuous flow booster ensures endless flow of hot water, regardless of whether the sun is shining or not.
 Specifically designed solar gas boosters are available in 2 sizes the S20 and the S26.
 Available in both Natural Gas or LPG configurations.

The size of the booster depends on the number of bathrooms, your location and hot water usage patterns.

Why continuous flow gas instead of gas storage?

Because for non – renewable energy consumption, the combination of the solar pre heater and the Rinnai Infinity continuous flow gas heater is 150% more efficient than an old fashioned gas storage heater with a solar boost.

 Storage gas heaters generally have low levels of gas operating efficiency as measured by the AGA star rating system – (3.5 stars compared to the Rinnai’s 5.2 stars).
 Storage gas heaters run out of hot water if consumption exceeds the small tank capacity. The Rinnai never runs out of hot water.
 Gas storage heaters are particularly inefficient when used with solar panels. They generally have a central flue in a small tank, and all the water in the tank is continually being reheated when the temperature drops below the thermostat setting. As a consequence, there is little room left for the water to be heated by the solar panels. Therefor more gas is used than should be, and much of the investment in the solar panels is wasted.

Rinnai Infinity 26 Features

 The most efficient continuous flow heater on the Australian market
 Heats water only on demand, thereby saving gas and money
 It is highly efficient, saving up to 30% on gas cost when compared to a gas storage heater, and more than 60% saving when combined with solar heating
 AGA gas energy rating of 5.2 stars
 Provides excellent water flow for all household needs
 Compact design for easy installation

The Rinnai Infinity is designed and engineered to sense the temperature and flow rate of the water, and to ensure that the water leaving the heater is raised to the appropriate temperature.

How Solar Systems work

Rinnai Solar systems are actually very simple in operation. Solar Collectors mounted on the roof absorb the energy from the sun and heat cooler water that flows through pipes just beneath the surface.


This hot water is then transfered to a storage cylinder ready for use. As you use the hot water, cold water is pushed back into the cylinder and then through the Collector for heating.

To ensure that there is always hot water for those days that are cloudy or raining, the addition of either an electric or gas booster completes the system.

Close Coupled Systems

This is where the Storage Cylinder and the Solar Collectors (panels) are coupled together and the installation is on the roof. A choice of an electric boost element in the cylinder, or a gas booster installed usually on the blind side of the house, completes the system.

rinnai close coupled solar


 Technically very efficient, economical to install and low maintenance
 No recirculating pumps and pipe runs reducing heat losses and improving running efficiencies
 No electricity required to circulate the water through the panels
 Space saving in that it eliminates the need for a storage tank at ground level – ideal for courtyard homes or small blocks
 Supplied standard in NEW Titanium colour
 Wide range of Colorbond® colours available.


Tank Size
Solar Collectors
Electric Booster Gas Booster PriceJuly2012
STCszone 3
STCszone 4
180 litre 1 to 3 1 2.4 kw $4,082.36 21
330 litre 1 to 3 2 2.4 kw $4,887.60 35
330 litre 3 or more 2 3.6 kw $4,887.60 35
180 litre 1 to 3 1 S20 $4,918.91 29
330 litre 3 or more 2 S26 $7,010.29 43

Prices include free delivery to most areas.  Deduct STC rebates.

Add installation & plumbing costs.


Split Systems

Where the vertical Storage Cylinder and the Solar Collectors are installed separately.  A choice of an electric boost element in the cylinder, or an in-line gas booster which can be installed on the side of the cylinder, or remote mounted on a wall.

Rinnai PrestigeBenefits:

 Easier installation on roof
 Streamlined appearance – minimal impact on the aesthetics of your roof line
 Split Systems do not require reinforcement of the roof structure, as the weight of water storage is at ground level
 Split System cylinder can be installed internally or externally
 Collectors and the tank do not need to be installed at the same time – ideal during construction of new homes and major renovations







Tank Size


Solar Collectors

Electric booster

Gas booster




zone 3

zone 4

Sunmaster- Split System (vitreous Enamel)   
Gas models
175 litres

1 to 3





175 litres

1 to 3





215 litres

2 to 3





215 litres

2 to 3





270 litres

3 or more





Electric models
200 litres

1 to 3


3.6 kw



315 litres

3 or more


3.6 kw



315 litres

3 or more


3.6 kw



Prestige-Split system (Stainless Steel)
Gas models
250 litres

1 to 2





250 litres

3 or more





315 litres

3 or more





315 litres

3 or more





 Electric models 
250 litres

1 to 3


3.6 kw



315 litres

3 or more


3.6 kw



315 litres

3 or more


3.6 kw



Prices include free delivery to most areas.  Deduct STC rebates.

Add installation & plumbing costs.


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